Soul Yes!

25 03 2011

Knock knock how’s your soul being?

I’ve had a rocky re-entry back into life and had to dig around in my toolbox and actually make myself initiate deep breathing exercises, and watch my mind freak out over the next arrival of b.s. to distract me from what I’ve discovered as my next Hell Yes.

A friend of mine emailed me today, how’s your vibe?  A solid 5 minutes of typing later I realized yeah, surf is up on planet George.  Another voice popped up, hey, if your bipolar is in swing, why not blog about it.  OK.

When did you first notice your symptoms were up George?

1 day I’m in the Dark cave.  Next day I feel the universal cosmos of love surging through my chest in a very physical wave, I would even call it a positive catatonic state.  I just allowed myself to sit and feel a solid wave of energy cycle through my entire being.

Up, Down, In, Out, basically all over the place.

Here is the cool part.

I’ve been irritated and observing.

Irritated because this has not been the me of late.  About 3 months ago I felt a shift of identity from being bipolar, to actually being a calm person, and letting that be my primary experience, or ego residence.  I’ve been walking through the normal amount of chaos, which would usually set me off, and been relatively stable.  It’s a new approach for me to assume, what if I’m actually a calm person, with an excellent life, and the wiggy stuff only occurs occasionally.

Anyway, when this new round of stuff in my life showed up, I was able to observe it from a calm state, instead of being inside the chaos assuming it was me.  It’s a shift of perspective I’m grateful for.

It allowed me to be irritated at myself for creating chaos, and able to take direct action towards stillness much faster than wallowing in and generating more chaos.

So what if I see/know/feel/experience/create/ life much more intensely than it would appear a majority of people I know, I can still live my amazing life in a point of stillness.

I realized this morning,  I probably suffer much less, because I have much less resistance to chaos, upset, disappointment, and internal darkness, because I observe and release, and if necessary get still and feel it, until it is ready to go.  My practice is to remove my mind/ego/story/action as much as possible, I just let it be sensation in my body until I feel calm, or ready for the next activity.  I don’t always have time for this, but when ever I have a moment to choose stillness, or create more busyness, I usually choose stillness to catch up on letting go of sensation and ego story.

So back to my friend emailing me.

What I discovered was, what really is going on is my new commitment to the biggest Hell Yes I could think of in my life.  Music.  10 minutes a day on my guitar, and getting coaching from an amazing accomplished musician already successful with what I would love to create in my life and be able to experience from the inside with my soul.

Immediately my insides calmed down, my body took a deep breath and I knew, the Soul YES in my life is the focal point, all else is contrast.  If I commit myself to the soul focal hell yes point in my life for 10 minutes/day, all the rest will work itself out, one way or the other.  What I’ll remember from this chapter in my life, is what I create with my soul, not what I worry about with my mind,


I double dog DARE to allow myself to continue investing in my latest greatest SOUL YES.

Peace ON!


This video says it all…

21 03 2011

It’s Time.

13 03 2011

Welcome to a new chapter of my life.  When in doubt, emptiness, or ???, renew.  My fav way of renewing.  Maui.  Retreat.  Have fun.

What erupted from my emptiness was the need to spend time with my guitar.  I’ve always heard music ripping thru me, and always believed I wasn’t a good singer and it was too late to go for being a rock star anyway.

Who cares.

Old story, flip it, empty it, New Story.

My method of commitment to my soul is 10 min a day.

Same way I wrote my book.  10 min a day.  If my inner critic was giving me crap, I would edit.  If I was feeling the passion I would throw words on the wall and see what stuck.

If I was too far gone to care, I would open up my laptop and stare at the screen thinking about my dreams to the best of my abilities to make a connection with my current vision and keep the timeslot open in my day.

This is my declaration for my music too emerge.

10 mins a day.

Touch guitar, look at guitar, and play.

Here is the cool thing about soul time.  Yes new word maybe real name for blog.  Sometimes I forget it’s only ten minutes and I get lost in the creative flow and dance with my soul.  Wow, what a rush those moments are.  It’s amazing how my priorities reorganize myself when I take time to erupt with my soul, and allow dwell.

10 min with my current visions, can renew the inner me for the rest of my day NO MATTER what is happening.

Are YOU ready for your soul to emerge?

What is your current vision or passion?

Stop reading, go do it for 10.

Still here?  Put one hand on your heart.  One hand on your belly, and silently breathe for 1 min.

Now get up and trust the first thing you WANT to do

; )